Make a Donation
Your generous donation helps fund our firearm safety program and goes directly toward providing free gun locks for communities, helping us develop new educational tools, and producing community events on gun safety.
Other Ways to Donate
A meaningful way of giving is through Donor Advised Funds, Giving a Gift in Your Will and Stocks and Real Estate. To help you get started on your plans we encourage you as a donor to contact your investment firm and learn more.
Donor Advised Fund
A Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) is a simple, flexible and tax-smart way to give to Project ChildSafe Foundation and other charities you support. -
Gift in Your Will
Leave a lasting gift of safety by including Project ChildSafe in your will, you will join a community of generous supporters who share your passion for firearm safety. -
Stocks Real-Estate
A gift of stocks, bonds and mutual funds appreciated in value are among the best ways to help Project ChildSafe® achieve its mission.
The Project ChildSafe Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. All donations to the organization are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Donate to the Project ChildSafe Foundation by sending a check to:
The Project ChildSafe Foundation
Attn: Accounting Department
Department 3880, PO Box 986500
Boston, MA 02298-6500
Refund Policy
By making a contribution to the Project ChildSafe Foundation, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization, donors understand that contributions are not refundable. We consider contributions complete upon receipt for program fulfillment purposes.