Give Through a Donor-Advised Fund
A Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) is a simple, flexible and tax-smart way to give to Project ChildSafe Foundation and other charities you support.
You are generally eligible for an immediate tax deduction when you contribute cash, securities or other assets to a DAF. Any investment growth in the DAF is tax-free, and it is also easy to donate long-term appreciated securities and eliminate capital gains taxes.
You can then distribute those funds to Project ChildSafe Foundation and other charities you support at your discretion.
The main benefits of a donor-advised fund are:
- The DAF sponsor handles all record-keeping, disbursements, and tax receipts.
- The timing of your tax deduction can be separate from your charitable decision-making.
- A DAF is a powerful way to build or continue a legacy of family giving.
- There is no cost to establish a donor-advised fund. However, a minimum initial charitable contribution to establish the DAF may be required (typically $5,000 or more).
- Once approved, 100% of your recommended grant goes to your qualified public charity.
- Donors may remain anonymous to the grant recipient if they choose.
Major investment firms like Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, BNY Mellon and Vanguard Charitable offer DAFs. Check with your investment firm to get more information and advice about DAFs.