We are proud to announce an ongoing partnership with nearly 30 state fish and wildlife agencies to encourage Americans to “Hunt S.A.F.E.” this fall by remembering to handle firearms responsibly.

When hunting this season, remember to Secure your firearms when not in use; be Aware of those around you who should not have unauthorized access to firearms; Focus on your responsibility as a firearm owner; and Educate yourself and others about safe firearm handling and storage.

“At a time of year when more firearms are likely to be taken out of storage, transported and used in the field, we want to emphasize the steps hunters should take to handle and store firearms properly and securely,” said NSSF President and CEO Steve Sanetti.

All around the country, state fish and wildlife agencies are using Hunt S.A.F.E. messaging to educate hunters and conservation officers.

This fall let’s all remember that the hunt is not over until you are home S.A.F.E. and your firearms are securely stored. You can find our safe hunting checklist, ethical hunting brochure and other tools here.


The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) announced that it has been awarded a two-year, $2.4 million grant by the U.S. Department of Justice. Funds will go toward providing firearm safety education messaging and free gun locks through Project ChildSafe to communities throughout the country, to encourage responsible firearm storage and help reduce firearm accidents, theft and misuse.

“We’re honored to be recognized by the DOJ in our efforts to promote that message and going the extra step to make a means of safe storage readily available to gun owners,” said Steve Sanetti, NSSF’s President and CEO.

Since 1999, Project ChildSafe has distributed more than 37 million free firearm safety kits across the country and in five U.S. territories. Thousands of law enforcement agencies, hunting and conservation groups, and firearms retailers already participate in Project ChildSafe and have been instrumental in expanding the reach of the program’s safety messages. The new grant from DOJ will likewise be instrumental in making free gun locks available to more gun owners nationwide. Visit our map to see where firearm safety kits and gun locks are available near you.


pcs locksWe’d like to give a shout out to the state of Louisiana for doing its part to create a culture of firearm safety.

Not content to be ranked as number two in the country for unintentional firearm-related fatalities, Louisiana has programs like the Louisiana Law Enforcement for Gun Safety Group, led by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Baton Rouge. Through this program, law enforcement officers visit schools to teach students about the dangers of a loaded gun and advise parents about how to securely store their firearms when not in use. Additionally, more than 50 law enforcement agencies throughout the state are Project ChildSafe partners and distribute the program’s free gun locks and safety literature to gun owners in their communities.

One way to improve firearm safety in your own community is to publicly (and frequently) emphasize the message of personal responsibility. Securing firearms when they’re not in use is the best way to help prevent accidents, theft and misuse. A host of safe storage options are available that suit various home circumstances and budgets. To find out where to pick up a free safety kit in your area, visit our Safety Kit page.

Thank you, Louisiana, for continuing to spread the Project ChildSafe message. Keep it up the great work, especially during this upcoming hunting season.


MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCHMichigan Gun Owners, one of our PCS SAFE Summer Local Champion groups, gave a firearms safety presentation to a group of about 15 kids and their parents at Jordan Missionary Baptist Church in Detroit, MI on August 8.

The session featured elements of their stock presentation and the “How to Talk to Your Kids About Firearm Safety” video, followed by a Q&A session and distribution of PCS brochures and other educational materials.

For safety resources you can use with your family and community, check out our Safety Resources page.


KEVIN MCNAIR AT BASS PRO SHOPSOn Saturday, August 15, PCS Safe Summer Champion Kevin McNair partnered with the Nevada Department of Wildlife and Bass Pro Shops to host two free firearm safety seminars in Las Vegas.

Attendees were shown our new video, How to Talk to Kids About Firearm Safety, learned tips for securing guns when they’re not in use and received free Project ChildSafe firearm safety kits that included a gun lock. Children were welcome to attend and asked to sign their very own Project ChildSafe Pledge, promising to never handle a gun without permission from an adult they know, never play with guns and always obey the rules of gun safety.

For more information about the event:


project childsafe logorespect it secure it

Welcome to the PCS Blog!

So many of you have stepped up to support Project ChildSafe that we decided it was time to launch a new blog to highlight the great work being done to promote firearm safety. All of us at Project ChildSafe have been overwhelmed with the support this program has received—it truly demonstrates that the firearm-owning community is committed to safety and responsibility, and this blog is one more way we can continue to push that message out.

This will also be a place to share ideas and learn about the latest Project ChildSafe events, activities, tools and materials you can use with your communities.

We’d also love to hear from you. Email us at with your photos, stories, ideas and questions. Let’s keep working together to encourage responsible firearm storage and help prevent accidents.