Seven Firearm Safety Tips from Women Advocates

In 2021, at least 5.4 million people purchased a firearm for the first time—and more than 33 percent of those new gun owners were women. This brought in over 1 million women to gun ownership last year.

It’s exciting to see so many women exercising their Second Amendment right to own a firearm, whether it’s for personal security or to enjoy some of the dozens of shooting sports available to them and to be part of the supportive firearm-owning community.

To welcome and celebrate these new women gun owners, we’ve gathered some of most recognized women in the shooting sports industry to share their insights as leaders for women in shooting sports and provide their best tips and advice on how to safely handle and secure their firearms. Read what they have to say about the role women and mothers can play in helping to ensure firearm safety in the home.

(When it comes to safety, everyone can use a refresher—seasoned owners should read on too!)


Barbara Baird, Women’s Outdoor News

“Women should ask themselves these questions when buying a firearm:

    How will I use it (leave at home, open carry, concealed carry)?

   How will I safely and securely store it?

   Do I need training?

Don’t bring home a gun and try to figure out the answers later. Have a plan in place and execute.”



Kia Glenn, National African American Gun Association

“You don’t need to be a gun expert or champion shooter to know the ins and outs of firearm safety. As you begin your journey of owning a firearm, do your research and equip yourself with information to achieve the goals you set for yourself. The firearm industry offers a wealth of resources from programs like Project ChildSafe, which make it easy to learn more. You can also join groups and associations full of individuals that have similar backgrounds and experiences to ensure you receive the proper firearms education and training.”



Kristy Titus, Pursue the Wild

“Choose firearm storage options that suit your individual needs. There is a plethora of options to securely store your firearm that best fit your, and your family’s, lifestyle. If you’re not sure where to start, check out this video I made explaining the different types of storage methods and how to use them.





Lexi Lagan, USA Shooting and US Olympian

“When it comes to safe firearm handling and training, practice doesn’t make perfect, but it does make improvement. Practice safe firearm handling daily to improve your skills. Take courses from certified instructors. Even if you think you have learned everything there is to know, classes help reinforce the critical basics of safe firearm handling. When you can handle firearms safely, training with your firearm becomes more comfortable and you will want to train more often, which leads to further improvement!”




Ashley Hlebinsky, The Gun Code

“Knowledge is the key to responsible firearms ownership. From researching how to safely handle your firearm, to relaying that information to the important people in your life and adding on training to build confidence, every step taken will help ensure safety in the home.

Also, know that you are not alone—you’re now part of a long history of women who have owned firearms. Feel empowered to continue that heritage and legacy into the future!”




Helen Moore, Armed Women of America

“Practice at least 10 minutes a day. Dry firing your firearm along with utilizing tools that ensure the firearm cannot be loaded to increase safety is a great way to improve your muscle memory skills, without having to go to a range. Practice gaining your sight picture, drawing from your holster and magazine changes to increase your understanding of your firearm.”




Orin Julie, Shooting Instructor, Content Creator and IPSC Shooter

“A first step into gun ownership is understanding and knowing the basic rules of gun safety. Build your foundation of safety with the following: keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction, keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire, treat every gun as if it were loaded, and know your target and what’s beyond it.”





New and prospective gun owners can visit the Project ChildSafe resource library for additional safety information and educational materials, including downloadable resources. Parents can also find tailored resources for talking to kids about firearm safety, as well as teen mental health-specific information by visiting our Parents and Gun Owners page.

2022 Woman of the Gun: Julie Golob

The SHOT Show is the firearm industry’s annual trade show which helps provide support for Project ChildSafe and other firearm industry safety initiatives. At SHOT Show 2022, Project ChildSafe proudly hosted the Women of the Gun event, which included the first-ever Woman of the Gun Award. The award, which recognizes outstanding women in the shooting sports industry, was given to Julie Golob for her embodiment of what it means to serve as an ambassador for firearm safety and empowering other women gun owners to do the same.

In addition to being a vocal and notable advocate of firearm safety, Julie earned more than 150 major championship titles, including more than 50 world and national titles, over the past 30 years.

Julie began working with Project ChildSafe in 2013, lending her name and expertise to a host of firearm safety education efforts, including guest columns, social media campaigns, public appearances and videos—including a feature video on how to talk to kids about gun safety.

The Project ChildSafe team recently interviewed Julie about the award and her years spent advocating for responsible firearm ownership and safe storage.


How important is it for female gun owners to contribute their voice to the conversation around firearm safety and safe storage? What unique insights can women provide on the topic?

“Everyone has an important role to play when it comes to talking about genuine firearm safety and the practices that make everyone safer around firearms. When we know and understand the universal messages about gun safety, we can provide valuable perspective and clarity to others. Women are taking increased responsibility for their own safety by purchasing firearms in record numbers. As women, our experiences as daughters, wives, mothers, sisters, students, teachers and leaders help us to reach the people we are drawn to and those who are drawn to us. This reach allows women to be leaders in promoting safe handling and storage through joining women’s shooting groups, serving as mentors, seeking trainings, ensuring a safe home environment and more.  The more we can all share our dedication to safety as gun owners, the better!”


What inspires you to be so vocal about promoting firearm safety?

“Even as a young shooter, I learned about the importance of firearm safety. From a young age having discussions with my parents about guns to learning how to hunt and shoot with my father, my time on the range and the field were so special. We had so much fun, but there was always the underlying importance of safety rules and respect. Firearm safety begins in the home and it’s something everyone should learn. Becoming educated on these fundamentals leads to a better understanding of how we use guns responsibly for target shooting and hunting and own them for security reasons. Not everyone has family mentors as I did, and being a helpful guide when it comes to this topic is extremely rewarding.”


What would you tell women new to firearm ownership, or just starting their journey into the shooting sports, that want to help ensure safety in the home?

“The cardinal rules of gun safety—keeping the muzzle pointed in a safe direction, keeping your finger off the trigger until ready to fire, treating every gun as if it were loaded, and knowing your target and what’s beyond it—are foundational to gun ownership. Following safe practices is going to allow you to get the most out of your time spent at the range, learning new types of shooting or getting involved in competition. These and other best practices—such as how to safely conduct yourself at a shooting range or in the field while hunting—build your confidence as a gun owner. I love that there is always an opportunity to improve as a gun owner, and mastering firearm safety and incorporating it into your life is a crucial part of that improvement. Whether it’s hunting different types of game, embarking on the journey of carrying a firearm concealed, or challenging yourself in competition to be the best shot you can be, that foundation of safety is where it all begins.”


How can more women get involved in spreading firearm safety practices in their homes? With their family? In their communities?

“The simple and easy way to start spreading safety is by starting a conversation. Though initiating the topic might be uncomfortable at first, talking about gun safety is worthwhile and you don’t have to be a gun owner to talk about real firearm safety. Project Childsafe has so many resources to make this easier and there are many ways to break the ice and hit the target. Ease your way into it by adding it to your family’s home safety plan, when you take the time to talk about what to do during a fire, or other emergency situations. You can take the Project Childsafe pledge with loved ones and share it with others in your circle. Start with close friends and loved ones. When you are comfortable extend it by sharing your experiences and successes with others. This kind of personal experience goes beyond posting articles and images on social media because it’s both valuable and personal.”


Finally, congratulations on being named the 2022 Woman of the Gun! What does it mean to be named the first-ever recipient of the award?

“It is such an honor to be nominated and included among women in the shooting sports who tirelessly promote firearm safety and education. When I learned I was selected, I immediately felt so humbled and grateful. As a professional competition shooter, competing is a huge part of my life, but for an award like this, it’s not a competition, it’s a celebration. That makes receiving this acknowledgment all the more special.”


Julie also shared her thoughts on being named the 2022 Woman of the Gun on her blog, which you can read here.




Name: Chief Catrina Thompson

Department: Winston-Salem Police Department – Winston-Salem, NC


How does your agency distribute Project ChildSafe gun locks and safety materials in your community?

Our Evidence Management Section provides a Project ChildSafe lock along with a firearm safety educational brochure with nearly every handgun or long gun that we return to citizens in our community.

Why does your department partner with Project ChildSafe?

Project ChildSafe has provided hundreds of firearm safety kits to our agency over the past 10+ years. We are encouraged by the work that Project ChildSafe is doing to promote safe firearm storage and education in so many communities across the country, including our own.

Many firearm owners have never seen or used a gun lock. We also have citizens who have commented that they had intended to purchase a gun lock but never did. Partnering with Project ChildSafe has given us an opportunity to provide free firearm safety locks for firearm owners within our community who may have not considered using or purchasing a lock on their own otherwise. It is fulfilling to know we are in a position where we can educate others about the need for such a life-saving product.

How has access to free gun locks and safety materials impacted your community?

With access to these free firearm safety kits, we are able not only to educate our community about the importance of firearm safety, but also provide the necessary resources to ensure firearms are safely maintained and stored in our citizens’ homes.

Residents can also find additional information and firearm safety resources, including safe storage options and tips for firearm safety at home in Project ChildSafe’s resource library.

How can residents in your community and communities across the country become more involved in spreading the message of safety?

We hope that with each Project ChildSafe gun lock that is distributed into our community, owners are talking with their children and families about the importance of firearm safety. While it may be hard to start a discussion with children or loved ones about the importance of firearm safety, it is a critically important step as a firearm owner. Project ChildSafe has resources for parents that can help frame the firearm safety conversation with children.

Just taking one extra step in safely securing a firearm can have a powerful impact on the safety of our friends, families and neighbors in our communities.


Name: Officer Daniel Wiechman (Community Liaison Officer)

Department: Fox Crossing Police Department – Neenah, WI


How does your agency distribute Project ChildSafe gun locks and safety materials in your community?

Our agency makes Project ChildSafe’s gun safety materials and locks available year-round via a display at our lobby window. We also bring all safety materials for our booth that we staff at local events throughout the year, like our Safety Day, which is held in conjunction with our other local public safety branches, including the fire department. Additionally, there are other events held by corporate partners who have requested our presence, and we make the Project ChildSafe materials and locks available to their employees as well. These events serve as an opportunity to connect with residents and ensure that they have the tools and education to practice safe firearm storage in the home, in vehicles and in any other situation.

Why does your department partner with Project ChildSafe?

Firearm safety is an extremely important topic for everyone, regardless of age. Too many individuals believe firearm safety is just a topic to discuss with young children. Project ChildSafe, as well as the Fox Crossing Police Department, want to ensure firearm safety is top of mind for gun owners and non-gun owners alike by promoting resources that help make this conversation easier.

Through our partnership with Project ChildSafe, we hope to increase community-wide awareness of the importance of responsible gun ownership, as well as the availability of free gun locks and educational materials to community members.

How has access to free gun locks and safety materials impacted your community?

I have personally had conversations with local residents who appreciate the locks. Many residents come with the expectation that the locks are for purchase, and we are always proud to report that they are free. Residents have also shared that their current methods of firearm storage were not nearly as safe as they should be, and they were eager to put the locks to good use. These are the ways – big and small – that we see Project ChildSafe helping promote and encourage gun safety in Wisconsin.

How can residents in your community and communities across the country become more involved in spreading the message of safety?

A key step to helping underscore the incredibly important topic of secure firearm storage stems from simply sharing the Project ChildSafe message and educational materials with friends and family. This small step will help strengthen our community.

Anyone who may not be familiar with Project ChildSafe should take the opportunity to watch how to properly install a firearm safety lock. This is a perfect opportunity for the firearm owner to openly discuss the importance of firearm security and safety, and in turn, promote such an invaluable program.

For more information about Fox Crossing Police Department’s upcoming safety events, visit the department’s website.

You can review and download Project ChildSafe’s many educational resources through the program’s resource library.