Be a Part of The Solution
The question we’re asked most often is, “how can we be involved?”
We’re always happy to welcome more voices to the call for responsible firearm storage, and there are several ways you can help:
- First, check out our Supporters Hub. It’s a perfect one-stop “shop” with shareable content, logos, and other materials you can use online and at your physical location to show your support.
- Our Resource Library, which has all kinds of free handouts, resources and other tools you can share in your community to help spread messages about gun safety and responsible gun storage.
Specifically, you can use these resources to:
- Create a dedicated “gun safety page” on your website. (We can help!)
- Post and share gun safety information on your social media platforms
- “Like” and “follow” Project ChildSafe on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
- Make sure your local police department, Sheriff’s Office or other local law enforcement agency is a Project ChildSafe Partner. To find out if they’re already a partner, visit our “Get a Safety Kit” page for a full list of active partners across the country. If your local agency isn’t listed, encourage them to visit our “Law Enforcement” page to sign up and get free gun locks for your community.
- Partner with local law enforcement and certified firearms instructors to hold a firearm safety event and gun lock giveaway at your location. It’s a great way to generate foot traffic, build relationships, and most importantly, help prevent firearm accidents, thefts and misuse.
- Add the “Proud Supporter” badge prominently on your websites’ homepage with a live link back to Project ChildSafe.
- Consider financially supporting the program. Every $2 we raise helps put another free gun lock in someone’s hands, and could mean the difference between a tragedy or an accident prevented. To learn more, visit our donation page.
- Still open to other ideas? Have a look at our “Best Practices” deck to see what other supporters have done
For Influencers
As an influencer, you can be a very powerful voice for gun safety with your audiences, and we’d welcome the chance to work with you. The ultimate goal is to have you, as a credible messenger, show how you embrace the message about gun safety and to elevate you as a champion for responsible gun ownership – in your own voice and in a way that is uniquely authentic to you.
Here are some great “wish list” ideas and examples of how we’ve worked with influencers before:
- Instagram “Takeover” Day: The idea here is that for one day, you let Project ChildSafe “take over” your Instagram. We provide you with content that you pre-approve in advance, and then during that day you pick and choose the content you post.
- Be a Champion for one of our Seasonal Campaigns throughout the year including: SAFE Summer/National Safety Month (June), National Shooting Sports Month (August), Suicide Prevention Week (September), and HuntSAFE (October -December)
- Events: A couple times a year we launch a dedicated “Project ChildSafe Community” effort in a major city where research shows there have been an an increased number of gun accidents, stolen firearms, or suicides, and where a dedicated effort to give away gun locks and emphasize safe gun storage would have a meaningful impact. We usually kick those off with a big press event, sometimes at a gun range, with a few special guest speakers.
- The sky’s the limit with this – we have several lines of messaging we’d like to amplify, including keeping kids safe, mental health, veterans, preventing thefts of guns from cars, hunting safety & ethics, and safe storage. For instance, Julie Golob anchored our video about talking with kids about gun safety, Kristy Titus featured gun safety and storage as one of her episodes for Pursue the Wild, and Brenda Weatherby gave us a photo and a quote that we used heavily in social media during our HuntSafe campaign. Others just make a quick video about why they support Project ChildSafe. Some videos are quick 2- minute snippets, others are more involved… either way, we’d love to work with you.
- Branding/General Online & Social Media Support:
- Make the most of our Supporters Hub content
- Consider a dedicated gun safety page on your website (we can help!),
- Add the “Proud Supporter” logo and “Own It? Respect It. Secure It.” badge prominently on your websites’ homepage with a live link back to Project ChildSafe.
- Like and follow our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, and re-post or share content
- Allow us to make some posts about how we’re proud to have you as a supporter
- Allow us to reach out to ask for your help in pushing content out to your audience (such as, “We have a new educational resource on teen mental health, can you please share it?”.)