Eddie Rimanelli is the founder and CEO of Brazen Sports, a Detroit-based watch company inspired by the passion of shooting sport enthusiasts. He has integrated firearms safe storage into his company by distributing free firearm locks to purchasers of his watches. In addition to this, Eddie announced his “Brazen Sports Give-Back Program” which will donate proceeds to various shooting sports associations to promote firearm safety. Eddie and Brazen Sports are firm supporters of Project ChildSafe.
Project ChildSafe: Why are firearms safety and responsible storage of firearms when not in use important?
ER: Firearms safety and responsible storage is important because I believe it’s easy to develop a false confidence. The responsibility for a firearm, including proper storage and prevention from unintended use of that firearm by others, lands squarely with the respective owner. With a knowledge of basic firearms fundamentals and proper training, a firearm is quite safe in the hands of its owner. However, when not under our direct control, firearms can fall into the hands of children and other unauthorized persons with the potential for accidents or other misuse. Gun owners are responsible for their firearm at all times and, therefore, must take proper safety measures to help prevent their guns from falling into the wrong hands.
I was 13 years old when I obtained my hunter safety permit and first began learning about firearm safety. However, not all children have been given the same opportunities. Without proper guidance by parents and role models, children most likely have little to no understanding of basic firearm safety. This is when accidents can happen. That’s why it’s important for parents whether they own firearms or not to talk to their children about gun safety and teach them how to respond should they find an unsecured gun, which is to: Don’t Touch, Leave the Area and Tell an Adult.
Proper firearm storage, such as storage in a gun safe or utilization of a gun lock, can be the best defense to the unwanted consequences of such accidents. Simply stated by the Project ChildSafe Program: if we choose to own it, we should respect it and, therefore, it is critical to secure it when not under our direct control.
Project ChildSafe: Please tell us a little about the things you do to help promote firearm safety in your community.
ER: Brazen Sports is a U.S.-based watch company that celebrates the passion of shooting and action sports enthusiasts by encouraging them to Dream Big, Face our Fears, and Live a Brazen Lifestyle. Our motto, “Be Brazen!” means to work hard to be the best.
First and foremost, as individuals, we lead by example by properly locking and storing our own personal firearms. As a company, we promote firearm safety through our partnerships with the shooting sports and firearms community, like the Project ChildSafe Program. Through this partnership Brazen Sports has committed to include a complementary cable gunlock gift with every timepiece purchased across all our sales and marketing platforms. In addition, we have instituted a “Brazen Sports Give-Back Program” which includes a consumer directed donation of $5 for each timepiece purchased to various shooting sports associations that practice responsible firearm training, safety and ownership.
Designing exceptionally crafted products, promoting social responsibility, and supporting conservation organizations are the hallmarks of the company. As a non-traditional sponsor with a product line embracing the firearms industry, it is truly a privilege and great responsibility to serve the community as an “Ambassador of Goodwill” in the promotion of firearm safety on multiple levels.
Project ChildSafe: Please tell us why you support NSSF’s Project ChildSafe program.
ER: NSSF’s Project ChildSafe is a program committed to promoting firearm safety and education. The wisdom gained from the collective knowledge of industry professionals at the NSSF informed, in part, from the unfortunate life experiences of others can present us with life lessons and best practices that should be shared with our families and communities at large to help prevent future tragedy. NSSF, and the Project ChildSafe Program in particular, need support from the corporate community to help provide the means to carry these messages.
At Brazen Sports, we decided to align ourselves with companies and organizations such as NSSF, USA Shooting, USPSA and others that promote strong, moral character and responsible gun ownership. The principles of gun safety curriculums and community support programs such as the Project ChildSafe Program truly make a difference and we are grateful for the commitment and support that NSSF has established nationwide. An informed community, collectively supporting responsible gun safety, can save lives. We at Brazen Sports are here to do our part.
Thank you for this great honor and recognition.