For Jack Logan, gun safety is more than a priority – it is a passion. Logan’s efforts go beyond distributing gun locks in his community, where he regularly walks door-to-door to distribute firearms safety kits. A Greenville, South Carolina, native, Logan travels the country shepherding the message of safe gun storage to communities impacted by firearms accidents. Logan has made it his personal mission to remind gun owners to practice firearms safety effectively.
Not a gun owner himself, Logan could not have imagined becoming a vocal supporter of firearms safety. Logan was originally approached to get involved in gun safety education efforts after a series of gun-related crimes and accidents occurred in his community. Originally, he did not engage. However, after the passing of a close friend who believed in firearms safety, coupled with mentions of kids and guns in the news, Logan took up the cause and embarked on a grassroots campaign in Greenville to educate kids not to pick up guns. This campaign today is known as “Put Down the Guns Now Young People.”
Since founding the group, Jack has worked tirelessly to distribute gun safety locks to those in need. He began working with the local sheriff’s department to disseminate gun locks in minority neighborhoods and, soon after, partnered with Project ChildSafe to distribute more than 500 locks to local families in his community.
Today, Project ChildSafe is proud to recognize Logan as its S.A.F.E. Summer Champion in Greensville for his efforts to spread the importance of firearms safety to the community while also raising the importance of safe storage. Supporters like Logan, nationwide, help to ensure that gun owners “Own It? Respect It. Secure It.”
“It feels good knowing that with these locks and educational materials there is less of a chance a child could get hurt by a gun. Knowing we saved someone’s life or someone from getting hurt; that’s how I know I’m making an impact,” said Logan. “I just want to keep people safe.”
We are pleased to shine a light on Logan’s important work through the sixth annual S.A.F.E. Summer campaign. “S.A.F.E.” serves as an acronym for Store your firearms responsibly when not in use; Always practice firearms safety; Focus on your responsibilities as a firearms owner; and Education is key to preventing accidents. The effort is focused on providing resources to help gun owners take action and share information that will help keep their families and communities safer.
For other gun safety materials and tips, please visit our resource library and review Project ChildSafe’s 10 Tips for Firearms Safety.
You can also find a gun safety kit in your area through our law enforcement partner list.